Small tweaks, mighty ripple

It's the tiny adjustments in our daily grind that can lead to some pretty impressive payoffs.

it's not just about the tweaks themselves but the ripple effect they've had on my life and, by extension, on the lives of those close to me. This is where the real magic happens.

For example, adding that lobster claw clasp to my keychain or getting those veggie prep containers wasn't just about making my life easier. Sure, these changes started as personal conveniences, but the benefits didn't stop with me. My family and friends noticed these little life hacks, saw the difference they made, and started adopting them too. It's one thing to streamline your own life, but witnessing these simple hacks improve the day-to-day for your loved ones 😁

That's next-level winning.

Committing to a grounding exercise each morning is another prime example. It's my personal reset button, but its impact goes beyond just a better start to my day. It's influenced my interactions, making me more present and less Beth Dutton like. That energy shift can have a profound effect on your relationships and the overall vibe at home or with friends.

I'm obsessed with everything to do with leadership. Really, steering our lives in the direction our souls are itching for - that's 100% on us, no one else. And all these stories I've shared, they all circle back to one big idea: how incredibly powerful it is to lead by example.

When you make positive changes in your life, it's contagious. People see the difference, and it inspires them to explore what small shifts they can make in their own lives. (these changes might ruffle some feathers and stir up emotions in folks who are carrying around their own hurt—that's a whole other blog post) It's about creating a positive feedback loop where everyone's looking for ways to improve, not just for themselves but for each other.

So, if you're digging this idea of making small but impactful changes and are curious about how you can extend these benefits beyond yourself, maybe it's time to consider a deeper dive.

My coaching services are all about this—helping you identify those tweaks that not only make your life easier but also enrich the lives of those around you. If you're up for that, investing in one of my coaching options could be your next step towards not just personal improvement, but shared success. Let's create those ripples together and turn those small wins into a wave of positive change.

let it be easy 🤘

let it be easy 🤘


How to Stop Feeling Guilty About Self-Care


Willingness to be a beginner