Willingness to be a beginner

Welcome 2023!

What if instead of needing to have it all figured out, or being the best, you embraced being a beginner?

When we welcome the beginner mindset, the energy changes, the pressure is released and your potential is free to work its magic. So often, for myself included, we try to skip to the end, we want the CliffsNotes, the certainty of the finished product.

What if that wasn’t the case this year?

What if you allowed yourself to make mistakes?

What if you asked for help?

What if you took your time?

What if you followed your gut?

What if you took risks?

What if you didn’t judge yourself?

What if you measured your success in a way that was just and not indicative of what you see on social media?

This kind of journey requires a lot of courage. If you should ever find yourself getting in your own way or if your mindset needs some adjusting, I’m only one click away.

For all the people who started the New Year willing to be new at something, I’m rooting for you🤘



Small tweaks, mighty ripple


2023 YOU