Hello, I’m Nicolette…

I’m a mother of two incredible humans, a proud wife, a constant work in progress and a life coach to the ready-ish. I love working with people who are not exactly sure where they want to go or what exactly needs to give but they know for sure that this is not how their story is going to end. To say I’m passionate about helping people be the best versions of themselves is an understatement.

My coaching journey began 20 years ago through divine intervention. Over the course of my career, I've had the honor of supporting people making changes that have completely changed the trajectory of their lives. My credentials, the ones that really matter, have been earned in the school of life.I was a teen and young woman who never knew her worth but found it in her 30s, a mother of a daughter with an extra chromosome, a wife who understands the ups and downs of marriage, someone who has transformed themselves countless times, and a lifelong believer in people.  If the school of life gave out awards, I like to think I would be nominated yearly for Most Improved.

My mission is to help you to step into your own power and create your version of The Good Life one thought at a time. With your current strengths, my skill set and our synergy , together we will explore your mindset, utilize your power and create a plan that will transform your life.

Like Marie Forleo, I too believe wholeheartedly that everything is figureoutable.

Together we will change your life.