Go all in on you

As I reflect back on my first year of being a solo entrepreneur, I find myself in awe of all of the things I have experienced. While the IRS just got involved this year, The Good LC’s mission has been in existence since I was a kid.

I’ve always been fascinated by someone’s story. My love for a perceived underdog is immeasurable and I’ve come to realize my passion for helping others is truly my life’s work. Over the course of my first year, my wins and lessons learned list is over a mile long :)

My biggest take away, the most beneficial piece of unsolicited advice that I could give to anyone who is transforming their life would be - You must, without a shadow of a doubt, always believe in yourself. You have to go all in on you 🤘

Don’t get me wrong, this type of mindset does not eliminate the difficult from happening, the proverbial crap is still going to hit the fan! But when it does, you will have the confidence to navigate whatever sh!tstorm comes your way.

First-time Parents

Freshmen in college

About to share your true gifts with the world (aka -About to quit your current job and start your dream job)

Signing your divorce papers tomorrow

Launching your business

Selling the farm and starting over

Saying “I Do”

Announcing to the world who you L❤️ve

Pursuing a life that no one else in your family gets

Cutting up your credit cards

Retiring in 3 days


Taking the last drag of a cigarette

SAHMs with all kids returning to school

To all of you brave souls contemplating a change or currently going through transformations, when life asks you to ante up - you better go all in on you !


Don’t be fooled by the girl you see…….


#WOOTD - Confidence