Time block like a boss.

Like so many of you, I wear a number of different hats at any given moment of any given day. In addition to my hectic life, I also have ADHD. Over time and honestly out of necessity, I have developed a real penchant for systems. Without systems and my #mehacks, my mind is all over the place and nothing gets done.

One system that I rely on daily is time blocking. I time block my day from the moment I wake up to the moment my eyes shut. Breaking my day down into chunks of dedicated time slots helps me to stay focused and allows me to get sh!t done. When I approach my day without using this type of system it’s a circus. One minute I could be drafting a client email and then I remember I need to schedule a grooming appointment for my dog and then the next thing you know I’m taking a wet paper towel to my dusty baseboards. Three hours will have passed and I’ve got nothing to show for it.

Time blocking is a subsystem of the primary method I use which is my wision board method. My wision board method is my road map for how I want to spend my time, and ultimately how I plan out my days. It’s where I have identified who I want to be in life and by using tools like time blocking its how i get to show up as her on the daily.

Need a quick fix to stay on task and don’t have time to implement the whole Wision Board Method just yet, no problem.

Here are a couple of options -

  1. Print The GoodLC Time Blocking document and start using it immediately.

  2. You can reference the free printable and handwrite your own version on a notepad.

  3. Click here to purchase a time blocking pad from Amazon.


My coaching, this tool, my methods, they are additional resources you can use to shorten the learning curve, stumble less often and expedite your greatness. As always, please remember, you have it within you right now to be whoever you want to be.

With or without me 😎


2023 YOU


Packing on Purpose